【同义词辨析】 2019-07-10 宽容forbearing-tolerant

forbearing: implies patience under provocation and deliberate abstention from harsh judgment, punishment, or vengeance: the most ~of music teachers.     (abstention克制节制戒食,表示为了原则和长期目标有意放弃享受usually implies deliberate renunciation or self-denial on principle and often permanency of intent, 如a vegetarian who abstains from all meat一个素食者戒食所有肉类)

tolerant: implies a freedom from bias or dogmatism and a reluctance to judge or restrict others harshly who hold opinions or doctrines different from one's own: a very ~ attitude towards dissenters.     dogmatic武断主断implies being unduly and arrogantly positive in laying down principles and expressing opinions,如very dogmatic about deciding what is art and what is not武断地评断什么是艺术)

lenient: implies softness of temper and a relaxation of discipline or rigor: ~ parents pay for it later.  rigid严格implies uncompromising inflexibility,如the school's admission standards are rigid学校入学标准严格, rigor严酷,指不但严格而且施加困难艰苦implies the imposition of hardship and difficulty,如the rigorous training of recruits新兵严酷训练)

indulgent: implies compliance, mercifulness, and a willingness to make concessions out of charity or clemency: an aunt ~ of her nieces' and nephews' shortcomings.   charity慈善,强调仁慈善意,展现慷慨理解宽容stress benevolence and good will as shown in generosity, broad understanding and tolerance of others,如showed a little charity to the weak-willed对待意志虚弱的人更慈善一些) (clemency仁慈,指掌权者待人温和怜悯imply mild and merciful disposition in one with the duty or power of judging and punishing,如a judge little inclined to show clemency一个不愿仁慈的法官)

forbearing宽容: 指面对犯错挑衅时有耐心克制严厉地批判惩罚报复,tolerant宽容: 表示不武断偏见,不严厉批判约束和自己观点不一致的人,lenient宽大: 形容人的脾气柔和纪律宽松,indulgent娇惯: 表示愿意顺从原谅迁就,体现了慈爱仁慈

记忆方法: 1)首字母LIFT提升<==宽容     宽容提升人的修养

        2)宽容的意思是不严格严酷mean not inclined by nature, disposition, or circumstances to be severe or rigorous.